A Tug Of War In Congress, You’ll Never Guess Who’s Involved


Republican leaders dismiss the CBO’s projection on the debt limit deal, claiming it would expand federal benefits.
The proposed changes tighten access to SNAP, raising the upper age limit for work requirements from 49 to 54.

Exemptions are provided for the homeless, veterans, and young individuals transitioning from foster care.
The CBO’s projection of a 0.2% increase in SNAP eligibility is refuted by Republican leaders.

Republicans argue that the CBO incorrectly accounted for populations already included in current policies.


  1. Republican negotiators successfully tightened access to federal benefits through the debt limit deal.
  2. The proposed changes prioritize work requirements and provide exemptions for vulnerable populations.
  3. Republican leaders refute the CBO’s projection, emphasizing that populations were already accounted for.
  4. Dissenting Republicans express disappointment, but the overall victory for conservatives cannot be ignored.
  5. This debt limit deal demonstrates the Republican commitment to fiscal responsibility and targeted spending.

The debt limit deal victory for Republicans is a testament to their unwavering dedication to conservative principles. By tightening access to federal benefits, they ensure that work requirements remain a central aspect of receiving assistance.

The exemptions for the homeless, veterans, and young individuals transitioning out of foster care exhibit compassion and a focus on those most in need.

The CBO’s projection, which claimed an expansion of SNAP eligibility, has been soundly rejected by Republican leaders. They argue that the CBO failed to account for populations already included in existing policies, leading to inaccurate projections.

Dissenting voices within the Republican party express their concerns, but it is crucial to recognize the significant strides made in this debt limit deal.

This victory underscores the Republican commitment to fiscal responsibility and targeted spending. By maintaining strict work requirements and carefully considering exemptions, conservatives ensure that federal benefits are allocated wisely.

As Republicans continue to champion these values, they pave the way for a prosperous future and a stronger America.

Source Fox News