Another Biden Blunder, Guess Who voted against Schiff censure?

In a surprising turn of events, a group of twenty Republican House Representatives demonstrated unity as they rejected a resolution aimed at censuring Representative Adam Schiff. The resolution, introduced by Representative Anna Paulina Luna, sought to hold Schiff accountable for his persistent claims of collusion between former President Donald Trump and Russia during the 2016 election.

The resolution faced a resounding defeat with a vote of 225-196, as twenty Republicans aligned themselves with five Democrats, effectively blocking the measure. This outcome dealt a significant blow to those seeking to reprimand Schiff for his controversial statements and actions.

The Republican representatives who voted against the resolution showcased their commitment to constitutional principles and fairness. They recognized Schiff’s unethical behavior but voiced concerns over the proposed $16 million fine suggested by the resolution. Representative Thomas Massie, a vocal opponent of the fine, argued that it could potentially violate the 27th and 8th amendments of the Constitution.

This display of unity among Republicans raises important questions about the future course of action regarding Schiff’s conduct. Will alternative means be pursued to hold him accountable without imposing fines? The Republican representatives have sent a clear message that they are determined to prioritize the integrity of the Constitution while seeking justice.

As this story continues to unfold, we will keep you updated with the latest news and analysis. Stay tuned to for comprehensive coverage and insightful commentary on the issues that matter to you as passionate Republican voters.

Source Fox News