Biden Nominee Gone BONKERS! What He Didn’t Know Will Startle You

President Biden’s pick to lead the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), Phil Washington, stumbled during his hearing with Sen. Ted Budd, unable to answer basic aviation questions.

Washington’s nomination is still pending, but his lack of basic knowledge about ADSB, SUAs, BasicMed, and aircraft certifications has raised concerns about his qualifications to lead the FAA.

Although Washington is not a pilot, critics argue that he should at least have a strong background in aviation, given that the FAA is a major government agency that regulates the aviation industry in the United States.

They argue that his nomination is part of the Biden administration’s diversity hiring initiative, which sacrifices safety for political purposes. Some of the questions raised during the hearing were: what airspace requires an ADSB transponder?

What are the six types of special use airspace that protect national security? What are the operational limitations of a pilot flying under BasicMed? What causes an aircraft to spin or stall?

What are the three aircraft certifications the FAA requires as part of the manufacturing process? What is the minimum separation distance for landing and departing airliners during the daytime?


  • Phil Washington, the Biden administration’s pick to lead the FAA, was unable to answer basic aviation questions.
  • Critics argue that Washington’s lack of knowledge about ADSB, SUAs, BasicMed, and aircraft certifications raises concerns about his qualifications to lead the FAA.
  • Some argue that the FAA should be led by someone with a strong background in aviation, given that it is a major government agency that regulates the aviation industry in the United States.
  • Others suggest that Washington’s nomination is part of the Biden administration’s diversity hiring initiative, which sacrifices safety for political purposes.
  • During his hearing with Sen. Ted Budd, Washington was unable to answer questions about ADSB, SUAs, BasicMed, aircraft certifications, and the minimum separation distance for landing and departing airliners during the daytime.


Washington’s inability to answer basic aviation questions is concerning, given that he is being nominated to lead the FAA, a major government agency that regulates the aviation industry in the United States.

Critics argue that Washington’s nomination is part of the Biden administration’s diversity hiring initiative, which sacrifices safety for political purposes.

While diversity in the workplace is important, it should not come at the expense of safety, particularly in an industry as critical as aviation.

Some suggest that the FAA should be led by someone with a strong background in aviation, while others argue that it is essential for the nominee to have basic knowledge of the industry they will be regulating.

Regardless, Washington’s nomination should be evaluated based on his qualifications and experience, not his race or gender. If he is unable to demonstrate basic knowledge of aviation, he should not be confirmed as the head of the FAA.