Biden’s Own Party Turns Against Him, You’ll Never Believe This Scandalous Betrayal

President Joe Biden’s chances of winning a second term in the White House appear to be dwindling, according to a new poll conducted by SSRS. The poll, which surveyed Americans’ opinions on the possibility of Biden running for a second term, found that two-thirds of respondents do not want Biden to run again.

The poll also found that Biden’s approval rating has declined since the 2022 midterm elections. While his approval rating was 45% in January, it now stands at 42%, with a disapproval rating of 57%. Biden’s approval ratings are even lower when it comes to Americans who believe he should serve a second term; only 32% of respondents believe he deserves another term in office.

Registered Democrats and Democratic-leaning independents also do not appear to be fully supportive of Biden running for re-election, with 44% of this group favoring Biden as the Democratic Party’s nominee for the 2024 presidential election and 54% saying that someone else should be given the opportunity, according to the poll.

The poll also asked respondents who they would like to replace Biden as the Democratic Party’s nominee in 2024. The majority of Democrats and Democratic-leaning independents (69%) did not have a specific answer beyond “just someone besides Joe Biden.”

Among those who specified someone else, Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders was the top pick with 5%, followed by Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg with 4%. Vice President Kamala Harris and former First Lady Michelle Obama tied for third place, each receiving 3% of the responses.

Biden’s approval rating on major policy issues is also a concern, as it is underwater in every category, with his approval rating being in the 30s for three issues: the economy at 37% approve to 62% disapprove, immigration at 35% to 63%, and gun policy at 37% to 62%. Environmental policy is Biden’s best issue, with a 46% to 52% rating, but he is still underwater in this area as well, the survey found.

Biden has yet to formally announce his candidacy for the 2024 election, but he has reportedly been telling his allies that it’s a matter of when not if. Nevertheless, the results of the SSRS poll suggest that Biden’s re-election prospects are not looking good.
