Hunter Biden’s treatment of his daughter, Navy Joan, is disgraceful. Despite Joe Biden campaigning against deadbeat dads, his son refused to acknowledge that he was the father of Navy Joan and continued to fight to pay support for his child.
The media has ignored this story or belittled Navy Joan’s mother, Lunden Roberts. The Bidens have erased any reference to Navy Joan and fought even her ability to claim to be a member of their family.
The viciousness of the Bidens’ treatment of this little girl is only matched by that of the media. Reporters who profess to support women and denounce deadbeat dads have either ignored this story or belittled her mother.
Hunter’s delay and evasion of filings and depositions led a court to repeatedly threaten sanctions. Despite assembling a new team of high-priced lawyers and advisers, Hunter is claiming that he simply cannot meet demands for child support. Given his opposition to such support for years and reported millions in foreign dealings, it would seem transparently absurd.
It is time for the media to do its job and hold the Bidens accountable for their monstrous treatment of Navy Joan. The American people deserve to know the truth about the Bidens and their disregard for the most vulnerable among us.
Source Fox News