Debunking Old Denials: A New Witness Speaks

Greetings, my fellow conservatives! Today, we delve into the intriguing saga of Hunter Biden’s dinner with his father, Joe Biden. The recent revelation from Devon Archer during a closed-door interview has added a new layer of complexity to the story.

Archer confirmed what the Biden campaign vehemently denied – Joe Biden’s presence at the spring 2015 dinner with Hunter’s foreign business associates. Remember the explosive story from the New York Post in 2020? That’s the dinner we’re talking about.

The Biden team went all out to reject the story, dismissing it as “Russian disinformation.” But now, with Archer’s testimony surfacing, their denials are losing credibility.

An email from a couple of years ago suggests that Hunter himself confirmed his father’s attendance at the dinner. The truth is slowly but surely emerging, and it’s essential for us, as conservative opinion writers, to remain diligent in our pursuit of truth.

Let’s keep shining a light on this drama, asking the tough questions, and seeking transparency from our leaders. The American people deserve to know the truth, and it’s our duty to keep the pressure on until all the pieces of this puzzle fall into place!

Source Fox News