The Jill Biden Controversy No One Saw Coming, You Need To See This

The left’s obsession with identity politics has reached absurd new heights, as evidenced by the controversy over Jill Biden’s invitation to the University of Iowa women’s basketball team.

Co-hosts of “The View” have accused Biden of having “racial blind spots” for inviting the white-dominated Iowa team along with the primarily black LSU squad. This accusation is unfounded and only serves to highlight the left’s obsession with skin color and gender.

As Republicans, we reject the left’s identity politics and focus on celebrating individuals for their achievements, not their skin color or gender.

We must stand with those who oppose the divisive and harmful ideology of identity politics and work to build a society based on merit and hard work.

The controversy over Biden’s invitation to the White House is just another example of how the left’s obsession with identity politics is tearing our society apart.

We must reject this divisive ideology and work to build a society based on merit and hard work, where individuals are judged by their accomplishments rather than their skin color or gender.
