Vermont Sparks Controversy With Plan To ALLOW Illegal Aliens To Vote, What Wasn’t Said Is Even More Crazy

In a stunning move, Burlington, Vermont residents voted overwhelmingly to extend local voting rights to illegal aliens enrolled in the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, foreign nationals with green cards, and newly arrived migrants with work permits.

This latest attempt by the radical left to push their open borders agenda is just another example of their complete disregard for the rule of law and the sovereignty of our nation.

With a vote of 67 percent in favor and only 32 percent against, it is clear that the left will stop at nothing to undermine our democracy and push their radical agenda. It is truly concerning to see how far the left is willing to go to appease illegal aliens and foreign nationals, while ignoring the needs and concerns of American citizens.

This vote in Burlington follows similar measures in Winooski and Montpelier, Vermont, where foreign nationals were allowed to vote in local elections. These measures were approved by the state legislature, but vetoed by Gov. Phil Scott. However, the legislature overrode the veto and allowed the foreign nationals to vote in local elections.

Scott has stated that he is not opposed to allowing foreign nationals to vote in local elections, but he wants the legislature to send him a bill that would open voting in local races statewide to foreign nationals. This is a clear indication of how far the left is willing to go to undermine our democracy and push their radical agenda.

It is important to remember that our Constitution guarantees that only citizens of the United States have the right to vote in federal elections. Allowing foreign nationals and illegal aliens to vote in our elections undermines the very foundations of our democracy and the rule of law.

The left’s push to extend voting rights to illegal aliens and foreign nationals is nothing more than an attempt to secure permanent political power by any means necessary. They are willing to sacrifice the integrity of our elections and the sovereignty of our nation to achieve their goals.

As passionate Republican voters, it is our duty to stand up against this assault on our democracy and fight back against the left’s radical agenda. We must demand that our elected officials protect our Constitution and the rule of law, and we must hold them accountable when they fail to do so.

We cannot allow the left to undermine the integrity of our elections and push their radical agenda. We must stand together and fight for our democracy, our sovereignty, and the rule of law.