You Won’t BELIEVE Who Was Caught Meeting Joe Biden

Summary: According to White House visitor logs and emails obtained by Fox News Digital, Hunter Biden’s attorney George Mesires met with then-Vice President Joe Biden on the same day that he was scheduled to meet with Hunter to discuss a subpoena related to the federal investigation into Hunter’s business partner, Devon Archer.

This latest revelation adds to the mounting evidence of corruption and influence peddling by the Biden family and raises serious questions about Joe Biden’s claim to have no knowledge of his son’s business dealings.


Hunter Biden’s attorney George Mesires met with then-Vice President Joe Biden on the same day that he was scheduled to meet with Hunter to discuss a subpoena related to the federal investigation into Hunter’s business partner, Devon Archer.

The White House visitor logs do not show Mesires attending a Greek Independence Day reception later that day at the White House with Hunter and his father, Joe Biden.

Joe Biden has repeatedly claimed to have no knowledge of his son’s business dealings, but the fact that he met with at least 14 of Hunter’s business associates while vice president tells a different story.

The mounting evidence of corruption and influence peddling by the Biden family raises serious questions about their actions and their fitness to hold public office.

It’s time for the mainstream media to stop ignoring these damning revelations and start holding the Biden family accountable for their actions.

The latest revelation that Hunter Biden’s attorney met with Joe Biden at the White House on the same day as a meeting about a federal investigation into Hunter’s business dealings is yet another example of the corruption and influence peddling that has plagued the Biden family for years.

Joe Biden’s repeated claims of ignorance about his son’s business dealings strain credulity, and the mainstream media’s refusal to hold him accountable is a dereliction of duty. It’s time for the American people to demand answers and accountability from the Biden family, and to demand a higher standard of ethics and integrity from our public officials.
