You’ll Be Shocked To Know the latest move against President Biden.

The recent announcement by Representative Lauren Boebert to introduce articles of impeachment against President Joe Biden has ignited a call for accountability among Republican lawmakers. Boebert’s bold move, through a privileged motion, aims to ensure that every member of Congress votes on the impeachment articles, holding Biden responsible for his actions.

Boebert’s motivation stems from her deep concern about Biden’s handling of the U.S. border. She firmly believes that his negligence has endangered American lives, leading to an influx of deadly fentanyl, increased criminal activities, and overwhelming pressure on our immigration system.

By bringing forth the articles of impeachment, Boebert is forcing her colleagues to take a stand on this critical matter. Every representative will be held accountable for their position, making their stance on Biden’s accountability clear to the American people.

Boebert’s commitment to the Constitution and securing our southern border is unwavering. She believes that it is their duty as elected officials to address the seriousness of Biden’s violation of his constitutional oath. This responsibility falls on the majority in the House of Representatives, as Biden has neglected his duty to protect our nation.

Boebert’s decision has resonated with other Republican lawmakers who have also introduced articles of impeachment against Biden. Representative Andy Ogles of Tennessee and Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia have joined the call for accountability, highlighting the growing discontent within the Republican party.

While the timing of the vote on the impeachment articles is yet to be determined, the actions of Boebert and her fellow lawmakers have brought to light the urgency of addressing border security and upholding the principles of strong leadership. Their collective efforts demonstrate a firm commitment to protecting the interests and safety of the American people.

In this critical time, it is crucial for Republican voters to stay engaged and make their voices heard. By holding their elected representatives accountable, they can contribute to shaping a future that prioritizes the security and well-being of the nation. Together, we can ensure that our leaders uphold their constitutional responsibilities and work towards a better, safer America.

Source Fox News