You’ll Be Shocked To Know The New Contender For The Presidency

The 2024 presidential election is already heating up, and it seems that a new Democratic primary challenger has emerged from the shadows. None other than Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has officially announced his presidential campaign in April, and Fox Nation is here to give you an in-depth look into this potential Democratic candidate.

Robert Francis Kennedy Jr., born on January 17th, 1954, in Washington, D.C., is the third of 11 children of former New York Sen. Robert F. Kennedy. He is also the nephew of the 35th President John F. Kennedy and former Massachusetts Sen. Ted Kennedy. With such a powerful political lineage, it’s no wonder that Fox Nation has released a new special titled ‘Who is Robert F. Kennedy?’ to shed light on this intriguing presidential hopeful.

The special features Democratic political strategist Doug Schoen, who highlights RFK’s personal background and emphasizes that the Kennedy kids were raised with a sense of public service. According to Schoen, they were brought up to be more than just individuals in society; they were taught to serve the greater good.

The ‘magic’ of the Kennedy name is not lost on ‘The Five’ co-host Geraldo Rivera, who sees it as a potential advantage for RFK Jr.’s presidential campaign. Geraldo describes the Kennedy family as the epitome of American royalty, possessing a casual elegance and preppy chic that many find admirable.

However, as Geraldo points out, the Kennedy family has also faced its fair share of tragedies. In 1963, when Robert F. Kennedy Jr. was just a nine-year-old boy, his uncle, President John F. Kennedy, was tragically assassinated in Dallas, Texas. Only five years later, his father suffered the same fate.

During the special, Dick Russell, a former friend of RFK Jr., reveals that these devastating losses deeply affected the Kennedy family. As a teenager, Robert was rebellious, embarking on cross-country journeys and even hopping freight trains. He immersed himself in the lives of indigenous people and developed a great respect for their culture. He discovered that even those who had very little still held pictures of his father and uncle on their walls, which touched him deeply.

Following in his father’s footsteps, RFK Jr. attended Harvard University and later earned a law degree from the University of Virginia Law School. Despite a promising career, he faced personal challenges, including a battle with heroin addiction that led to his arrest for drug possession in 1983.

Now, in 2023, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. stands as the leading Democratic challenger for the 2024 presidential election—a role he seems destined to fulfill. Recent polls show him with 16% support in the Fox News national poll for the 2024 Democratic presidential nomination race, while President Biden holds 62% support. Additionally, a CNN poll released last week places Kennedy at 20% support, with President Biden at 60%.

As the 2024 election unfolds, it will be fascinating to see how Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s campaign evolves. Stay tuned to Fox Nation for the latest updates on this captivating political journey.

Source Fox News