You’ll Be Shocked To Know What Happened At The Ernst Gathering

DES MOINES, Iowa – Former Vice President Mike Pence, a true conservative champion, electrified a crowd of passionate Republican activists as he hinted at a major announcement during his appearance at Sen. Joni Ernst’s Roast and Ride event. The excitement was palpable as Pence confidently declared, “Come this Wednesday, I’m announcing in Iowa!”

Pence, the steadfast running mate of President Donald J. Trump in the 2016 and 2020 elections, is now poised to embark on his own journey towards the White House. While other Republican contenders gathered at Ernst’s event, Pence stood out as the only one yet to officially launch his campaign. However, that will change on Wednesday when Pence is expected to make his declaration just outside Des Moines, the capital of Iowa.

Some may question Pence’s current polling numbers, which trail behind those of former President Trump and Florida Governor Ron DeSantis. But rest assured, this champion of conservative values is confident in his ability to garner the support needed to carry his message. Pence’s distinguished record as both vice president and governor of Indiana sets him apart as a proven leader in the conservative movement, fighting against excessive spending and promoting job growth.

Pence’s vision for America is built on a strong foundation of constitutional principles and traditional values. His campaign aims to reintroduce a much-needed threshold of civility in our political discourse.

In a recent Fox News interview, Pence emphasized, “People around the country want to see us restore civility in our political debate. You can disagree without being disagreeable.” That’s the kind of leadership we need in these trying times.

While some may attempt to cast doubt on Pence’s candidacy due to the events of January 6, it is essential to remember that Pence acted dutifully under the Constitution. He has described the Capitol attack as tragic and has taken a principled stance against those who sought to undermine the electoral process. While some may continue to harbor resentment, Pence’s commitment to his values and his sense of calling to serve the American people remains unwavering.

With his strong conservative message, Pence is ready to take on the challenges ahead. As a tireless campaigner who has crisscrossed the nation, he has built strong relationships with voters in early primary states like Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina, and Nevada. Pence’s emphasis on Iowa, where evangelical voters play a pivotal role, demonstrates his unwavering dedication to social conservative values.

The stage is set, and the path to the nomination lies before Mike Pence. His announcement in Iowa signifies his commitment to engage with Republican voters across the nation.

Brace yourselves for a campaign that not only celebrates the successes of the Trump-Pence administration but also embraces a commitment to civility that the American people long to see. Get ready for a true conservative leader who will fight for our values and make America great once again!

Source Fox News