You’ll Be Shocked To Know Who Could Determine the Outcome of the 2024 Presidential Election

Summary: Vice President Kamala Harris is an unpopular vice president, even among Democrats.

Her unpopularity and President Biden’s age create political baggage going into the next election. Republican strategists said that Harris is a thorn in Biden’s wrinkled paw heading into the next election.


Kamala Harris’ unpopularity could ultimately determine the outcome of the 2024 presidential election.
Harris has dismissed her unpopularity among her own party as D.C. “political chatter.”

Conservative columnist, Kristin Tate called Harris “one of the most unlikable and uninspiring public figures in modern political history.”
Republican strategists said that Harris is a thorn in Biden’s wrinkled paw heading into the next election.

GOP pollster Kellyanne Conway said that Harris’ approval ratings are even poorer than Biden’s.


Kamala Harris may be unpopular, but she could ultimately determine the outcome of the 2024 presidential election.

Republicans are going to pair Harris’ unpopularity with President Biden’s old age in their pitch to voters. It will be interesting to see how the incumbent ticket navigates these challenges going into the next election.
