You’ll Be Shocked To Know Who’s Caught in a Bizarre Incident

The recent car crash involving Cedric Richmond, a former aide to Joe Biden and senior adviser to the Democratic National Committee, has stirred controversy and suspicions of preferential treatment. In New Orleans on April 23, Richmond and his son were injured when their vehicle collided with a tree. The police report revealed that Richmond appeared confused and had slurred speech after the accident.

To the surprise of many, Richmond was not subjected to a DUI test or issued a traffic citation. Authorities cited “the driver’s medical condition and the passenger’s statement” as reasons for this leniency. However, doubts linger about the credibility of these explanations.

Richmond’s son claimed that their car was forced off the road by an orange Corvette, yet no evidence supporting this was found at the crash site. Anthony Radosti, a former officer of the New Orleans Police Department, questioned the decision not to issue a citation based solely on the son’s testimony.

This incident has fueled concerns about privileged treatment for prominent individuals. Tim Lentz, former chief of the Covington Police Department, acknowledged the existence of “acute political emergencies” that demand special attention. However, he stressed the need for clear guidance to avoid mistakes and ensure fairness.

The New Orleans Police Department defended their actions, stating that no alcohol odor was detected on Richmond, justifying their decision not to conduct impairment tests. They further justified the lack of citation issuance due to Richmond’s urgent need for medical treatment.

Critics argue that a thorough investigation is warranted to ascertain whether proper procedures were followed. Former NOPD superintendent Ronal Serpas emphasized the necessity of a comprehensive review to ensure compliance with correct protocols.

Cedric Richmond has yet to provide comment on the incident. Nonetheless, the American people deserve transparency and accountability from their elected officials and law enforcement, regardless of their political affiliations. We must demand answers and ensure that justice is served impartially and without any hint of favoritism.

Source Fox News