You’ll NEVER Guess What Maine’s Supreme Court Is Demanding Now

California Governor Gavin Newsom has signed a bill that will end single-family zoning in the state. The bill, which was passed by the state legislature earlier this year, is part of an effort to increase housing affordability and reduce racial segregation.

Under the new law, cities, and counties will be required to allow up to four residential units on parcels currently zoned for single-family homes. The law also eliminates minimum lot size requirements and provides incentives for the construction of affordable housing.

Supporters of the law say that it will help address California’s severe housing shortage and reduce racial segregation by promoting the construction of more diverse housing options. However, opponents say that it will lead to overcrowding and strain infrastructure.

The new law is part of a broader effort by the state to address its housing crisis. California has some of the highest housing costs in the country, and many residents struggle to find affordable housing.
