You’ll NEVER Guess Who’s Leading the Charge Against Conservative Media

Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) recently called for speech restrictions on conservative news hosts like Tucker Carlson, claiming that their content incites violence. This is just another example of the radical left’s assault on free speech in America.


AOC’s call for censorship is a clear violation of the First Amendment, which protects our right to free speech and a free press.
The radical left wants to silence anyone who doesn’t share their extreme views.
Conservatives are under attack from all sides.
We must continue to speak out and fight for our rights.
We won’t let the radical left destroy our democracy and take away our freedoms.

AOC’s call for speech restrictions on conservative media is a dangerous and un-American idea. The radical left is trying to silence anyone who disagrees with them, and we must stand up to them. We must continue to fight for our right to free speech and a free press, and we won’t let them take away our freedoms.
