VP Biden And GUESS What We Still Don’t Know

Recent reports reveal that two Russian billionaires, who went property shopping with Hunter Biden and had dinner with then-Vice President Joe Biden, managed to evade US sanctions related to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

The exchanges, which have since been validated by emails found on Hunter Biden’s laptop, cast a shadow of suspicion over the Biden family’s involvement with foreign entities.


1. Vladimir Yevtushenkov and Yelena Baturina, the two Russian billionaires, had discussions with Hunter Biden about “favors” they could exchange.
2. The US Treasury Department announced a new round of sanctions related to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, but the two Russian billionaires managed to avoid being included in the sanctions list.
3. Hunter Biden’s laptop contained emails that confirm his meetings with Vladimir Yevtushenkov and Yelena Baturina.
4. Joe Biden attended a dinner in 2015 with Yelena Baturina, her husband, ex-Moscow Mayor Yury Luzhkov, and Vadym Pozharskyi, an executive at Ukrainian energy company Burisma, which paid Hunter up to $1m per year from 2014.
5. The American people deserve transparency and accountability from their leaders, and these exchanges demand further investigation.


As Republicans, we must demand accountability from our elected officials.

The Biden family’s relationship with foreign entities is a cause for concern, and these recent reports only add to the controversy. As more information comes to light, it becomes increasingly clear that we need to hold our leaders accountable and demand transparency.

The American people deserve a government that puts their interests first, not the interests of foreign countries. It is time for our leaders to take responsibility and work for the betterment of our nation.