You’ll NEVER Guess Who’s Citing Progressive Studies to Attack

Former President Donald Trump’s recent attacks on Florida Governor Ron DeSantis have caused a stir in political circles. Trump’s use of progressive studies to back up his statements has been labeled as “bizarre” by Republican strategist Colin Reed.

Despite this, recent polls show Trump widening the gap with DeSantis, suggesting that his unusual tactic may be working.

However, Republican strategists such as Kevin Seifert and Doug Heye view Trump’s attacks on DeSantis as inconsistent and lacking intellectual consistency. Seifert stated, “No one should be shocked he has gone from praising DeSantis’ record to trashing it in the blink of an eye.”

The question remains: is this the new normal in politics? Will politicians continue to use unconventional tactics to attack their rivals? Or will intellectual consistency and fact-based arguments prevail?

Only time will tell, but one thing is for sure: Trump’s attacks on DeSantis using progressive studies have divided political strategists and caused a stir in the lead-up to the 2024 election.
