Another Country Manipulating Technology For Control, You’ll Be Shocked To Know

China’s high-end technology is being used to oppress its own citizens and erase its own history, according to Rep. Mark Green, R-Tenn. The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has scrubbed important historical events, like the Tiananmen Square massacre, from its heavily censored internet, kept it out of books and schools, and used advanced technology to erase its own history. This technology poses a particular threat to the US, as it can be used to steal American intellectual property, undermine national security, oppress Chinese people, and threaten global stability.

Green’s bill, the China Technology Transfer Control Act, is designed to impose new limits on US technology exports to China to ensure the US maintains its competitive edge and prevent Beijing from using advanced systems against its own population. The bill seeks to impose new export restrictions on technology used to create AI systems and other technology related to robotics, biotech, computing, and internet-related services. Export restraints on those goods would be imposed when it would aid China’s military, harm US national security, or allow China to carry out violations of human rights or religious liberties against its own people.

Green warns that the threats posed by the CCP are multifaceted and complex, and we must proceed with extreme caution when implementing advanced technological solutions like AI into our nation’s critical infrastructure.

Source Fox News