The Unforeseen Twist in Hunter Biden’s Divorce Story, You Need To See This

In a bombshell revelation that is sending shockwaves through Washington, divorce lawyers for Hunter Biden and Kathleen Buhle have been exposed for their knowledge of a secret Romania deal. This revelation contradicts Buhle’s previous claims that she had no idea about Hunter’s financial affairs.

During a press conference held by House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer, it was revealed that several members of the Biden family, including Hallie Biden, received foreign money. Hunter himself received over $1 million from Romania, as evidenced by emails from his abandoned laptop dating back to 2016 and 2017.

The emails, exclusively reviewed by Fox News Digital, show that the divorce lawyers for Hunter and Buhle were well aware of payments from the Romania deal. They even discussed how the money should be divided between the two parties. One of the lawyers, Rebekah Sullivan, expressed frustration in an email to Hunter’s attorney, Sarah Mancinelli, demanding immediate disclosure of Hunter’s TD account statements and expenses.

However, Hunter vehemently denied the allegations made by his soon-to-be ex-wife’s lawyer. He claimed that only two people knew about the TD deposit, and he was one of them. Hunter accused Buhle of spying on him, suggesting that she had access to his texts and emails.

Despite Hunter’s denial, further emails showed that both lawyers continued to discuss the financial arrangements. Hunter’s longtime business partner, Eric Schwerin, provided edits for an email from Mancinelli to Buhle’s lawyer. This email proposed an “interim support and bill paying arrangement,” including the allocation of funds from the Romania payment.

The emails indicate that Hunter expected a $60,000 payment related to Romania, and a portion of it was proposed to go to Buhle. The proposed allocation of funds was detailed, showing that $10,000 would directly go to Buhle, $10,000 would cover legal retainers, $10,338 would go to Hunter, and the rest would be allocated toward outstanding debts.

It is unclear what final agreement was reached between the parties, as none of the lawyers involved responded to requests for comment from Fox News Digital.

This new information raises serious questions about the credibility of Kathleen Buhle’s previous claims that she had no knowledge of Hunter’s finances. She previously admitted to having her “head buried in the sand” and claimed she barely understood Hunter’s business dealings. However, the evidence suggests otherwise.

Moreover, the involvement of Hunter Biden in Romania’s business affairs has been highlighted in a report by the House Oversight and Reform Committee. Hunter was hired by Gabriel “Puiu” Popoviciu, a Romanian tycoon facing corruption charges, to advise him in his case. Popoviciu was eventually convicted and sentenced to prison.

The report also reveals that payments were made into Hunter’s business partner’s bank account, which were then transferred to various Biden family accounts, including Hunter’s. The timing of these transactions raises concerns, as 16 out of 17 occurred while Joe Biden was serving as vice president.

This stunning revelation demands further investigation into Hunter Biden and his associates’ engagement with foreign officials on behalf of Popoviciu. The American people deserve to know the truth about these questionable financial dealings and the potential conflicts of interest they raise.

Source Fox News